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Just as we hit meteorological autumn it vanishes in favour of the return of summer. Depending on which forecast you see, the hot weather is here for a week; or perhaps two; or a longer or a shorter period.

I love the sun and I don’t enjoy the cold, but when you have a dog with heart failure, and heart failure means heat intolerance, summer takes on a new dimension. I have the blinds pulled part way down, and the curtains half closed at the front of the house, which faces west, and takes the full brunt of the sun. I have a fan on and a cool air doodah going, and Bracken is still finding the heat difficult. It does appear that today, hopefully, may be the hottest of this week, and that temperatures will start to tail off from tomorrow.

On a positive note, it turns out that Bracken isn’t in renal failure so I have had to change her food subscription to non-renal. The blood test showed higher than normal urea and creatinine levels, but the cardiologist has suggested that these are at normal levels for a dog on high dose diuretics. This month, she is going to be gorging on the Chicken with Garden Greens & Strawberries and Salmon with Strawberries & Courgette (yes, really). This is the doggy equivalent of Michelin starred food. Next month, it may be Duck with Vegetables & Blueberries and Herring with White Fish & Garden Greens. She eats better than I do.

Autumn has brought lots of eight legged creatures into the garden. I can’t walk around without pushing my face through a cobweb. This doesn’t fill me pleasure.